In December of 2012, two software developers learned that their hometown of Madison Wisconsin USA, was in need of technology to run its first Music Day celebration.

The two, both music enthusiasts named ‘Mike,’ decided they would innovate a solution that would use their skill and passion to help spread the love and enjoyment of music to all. With guidance from the local Madison team and experienced leaders in New York, they designed and built the Make Music Match platform- technology that not only registers performers and promotes the festival, but also allows a city’s community to suggest venues and propose their own performances. 7 cities and more than 2,000 performances later, the platform is helping to bring new growth to a time-honored celebration- and Mike and Mike are extremely happy to be a part of it!

Our Mission + Philosophy

The moment we learned of Music Day, we fell in love.

As musicians, community organizers and social entrepreneurs we couldn’t have dreamed up a project more relevant to ourselves or to the 21st century world.

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