AISBL Fete Europeenne de la Musique /European Music Day Association partners from A Facettes – France, MESO events – Greece, AIFPM – Italy and Krakow Biuro Festiwalowe – Poland attends Milano Music Week and Linechek festival for a panel dedicated to the largest common music event of Europe.

From its birth, thirty-seven years ago, the Fete de la Musique (Music Day) aims to offer a stage to young European musicians, to stimulate listening, practice music and to encourage the encounter between cultures and genres.

Starting from the inspiring principle “Faites de la Musique (make music)”, the AISBL promotes European cultural heritage, makes known, shared and appreciated the extraordinary vitality and diversity of the musical world in Europe.

After years of great commitment from parners of many nations, the European Union intends to help this promotion formalizing the interest in creating a European Music Day recognition.

Date:           Thursday 21st of November
Venue:        BASE – Auditorium MMW Spazio B (Via Ambrogio da Fossano Bergognone, 34)

Panel Participants:

  1. Silvia Costa – Former president of the European Commission General Directorate for Culture – The projects for music in Europe
  2. Sylvie Canal – Managing Director A FACETTES – Paris – Fete de la Musique in France and in Europe
  3. George Perot – Managing Director MESO Events Athens –  Greek Cities network of the European Music Day organizers.
  4. Maja Łapuszyńska – Director WIANKI Krakow – The Music Day events in Poland.
  5. Marco Staccioli – President of AIPFM – Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Festa della Musica
  6. Paolo Masini – MIBACT delegate –  Development of Music Day in Italy
  7. Claudio Formisano – President of CAFIM Italia – The musical instrument industry in Europe
  8. Sergio Cerruti – President of AFI –  Europe and Italian music … in English
  9. Barbara Eifler – Making Music London –  The English and US experience of Music Day

For more information about the panel, please visit Milano Music Week webpage

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