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European Music Day 2013

The 14th edition of the European Music Day (Greek network), proves that when there is vision, passion and solidarity, miracles are truly possible. This year’s event is a national collaborative effort, and perhaps, the most important one, since the beginning of the events in Greece, in 1999.

In a particularly difficult time for our country, the concerts, activities and events of 2013 are bringing a strong message of optimism, unity and cooperation. Determined to change the rhythms of the cities, 2.500 musicians, 495 bands, Djs, Choirs and Orchestras will be present in 210 events and 38 parallel events, Nationwide!

This year, with the support and the passion of hundreds of ordinary citizens and volunteer organizers, 28 cities are participating in the European Music Day efforts, to flood neighborhoods, squares, pedestrian streets and parks of Greece with melodies, from the 19th till the 24th of June.

A loud call prompting everyone to leave aside the problems of everyday life – even for a few hours – and to follow the heart beats of music.

Cities 2103: Cities 2103: Athens, Agios Dimitrios, Agrinio, Amaliada, Veria Volos, Didymoteicho, Domokos, Drama, Edessa, Heraklion, Thessaloniki, Kavala, Kallithea, Komotini, Kythera, Kos, Larissa, Levadia, Moschato-Tavros, Naxos, Xanthi, Paros, Preveza, Salamina, Santorini, Serres and Filippiada.


Production reserves the right to change the program without prior notice. Flash photography is prohibited. The brand name European Music Day and its logo are legitimate trademark.

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